
Rolf Peters

Mountainbiker, iPhoneographer and Techy

Desk Setup!

Because I received the Lenove Thinkpad Tablet 2 last month (see last blog post) I have switched iPad's with my wife. She used a iPad mini 1st generation and now I gave her my iPad Air and I started working with the mini. But I've missed the Retina display very much. So hunting on Marktplaats (the Dutch eBay) I won a nice deal for a new space grey iPad 16Gb mini with retina display and almost at the same moment I sold my old 1st generation ipad mini for a very good price. Now working on the iPad mini with retina I feel a real winner. I am in love with this perfect form factor of the mini. It is ok for creation but perfect for consuming all kinds of media. It fits my moleskine notebook perfectly and together with the Thinkpad Tablet 2 I have a very satisfying setup. Mobility guaranteed!



In the meantime my docking station arrived and this setup is completed with a 24" hires monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Unbelievable, a Windows machine!

The unbelievable has happened, I have added a windows machine to my work flow and I really like it! Because I work (still) in a windows dominated world I am obliged to work with Microsoft Windows although, as you will probably know by now, I am an Apple fan boy. I really hate working on, and moving around, the typical MS Windows work horses: big black ugly laptops, the standard issue for knowledge workers! Therefore I asked our IT departement if there was an alternative (knowing that a macbook air was out of the question). They came up with this:


a Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2, actually the device I am writing this blogpost on. The device is somehow the same weight as an iPad Air and the battery lasts around 9-10 hours so pretty much a working day. It comes with a very nice (bluetooth) keyboard (accessory) and a perfectly working active stylus which sits in a stylus-bay in the machine.

With a docking station I have connected a monitor, mouse and keyboard to the Thinkpad when working at the office. The tablet 2 is configured with Windows 8.1 pro and is snappy for normal office applications.

So when it is necessary to work in a windows dominated environment this is a very portable yet workable setup. I really enjoy working with it and I couldn't imagine I would have said this for a windows machine!

imac g4: replace optical drive with hard drive?

It's a standard ATA-interface, so you can attach an ATA Harddrive. if i remember right, the machine is a bit special, in the way that it only supports ONE disk on that channel. Just remember it's only ATA33, not ATA66 as the intended channel for the disk, so you won't have much speed.

How to manage talented people by not bossing them around

Getting rid of managers may seem like just another tech trend, but much of the skepticism around going “bossless” or flat is due to misleading terminology.

RSA Animations

Check out these very cool RSA animations you should see!


The crises of capitalism!

Education, the RSA technique is already game changing!